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White Block House Plan Optimisation

Keywords: Generative Design, Evolutionary Algorithm, Artificial Intelligence, Computer-Aided Design Tool, Automation

Location: Bromley, Greater London

Year: 2020

Architect: Saam Kaviani

Computational Designer: Amir Homayouni Rad

At UDAI, We offer to apply Artificial Intelligence optimization techniques, such as Evolutionary algorithms, to our floor plan designs. Our ultimate goal is three-fold: (1) to generate floor plans, i.e. optimize the generation of a large and highly diverse quantity of floor plan designs, (2) to qualify floor plans, i.e. offer a proper classification methodology (3) to allow clients to “browse” through generated design options.

The most important subset in Artificial Intelligence that has been used at UDAI is Evolutionary algorithm. In artificial intelligence (AI), an evolutionary algorithm (EA) is a subset of evolutionary computation, a generic population-based metaheuristic optimisation algorithm. An EA uses mechanisms inspired by biological evolution, such as reproduction, mutation, recombination, and selection. Thanks to Wallacei optimisation engine this process has been made absolutely efficient and effect more than ever before.

In the end, we were able to discover 1,000 unexpected novel design solutions and navigate trade-offs between high-performing designs, sketch constraints, and goals that lead us to give the client the opportunity to browse between different design options that are illustrated with graphs data and confidently choose the most suitable one.

Tower Design Based On Evolutionary Algorithm

Keywords: Generative Design, Evolutionary Algorithm, Tower Design, Genetic Algorithm, Architectural Design, Algorithmic Design

Year: 2019

Type: Research

Supervisor: D.r Alaghemandan

In this research two-fold goals are considered:(1) Minimize displacement of structure (2) Maximize radiation in Winter.
Therefore at the first after literature review about using the structure of the building, The Diagrid structure is selected. Then thorough evolutionary algorithm, algorithms scripted and formulated to this purpose. In the end, we were able to discover thousands of novel design solutions and could navigate which solution is the best due to the form and structure, and energy issues.

Algorithmic Design of residential complex

Keywords: Generative Design, Evolutionary Algorithm, Residential Design, Genetic Algorithm, Algorithmic Design

Year: 2019

Type: Research

Supervisor: D.r Andaji

The purpose of this project is to design an algorithm that can select a specific pixel size and consider the neighborhood rules of the pixels that can produce a diverse set of neighborhood residential forms and plans. considering these rules in three dimensions can generate various numbers of residential building forms. To this purpose, the defined goal functions are (1) Limited numbers of pixels neighborhood (2) Placing the plan floor area between two specific intervals (3) Achieving the minimum number of consoles which was defined by overlapping the plans.

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